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Dependent with a Dependent

"When there’s an emergency, I work from the bottom of the list up to cut expenses. "

Paycheck: 2100 (9 months)

Monthly Expenses (for me + one dependent)

Rent: 1002.00

Rental Insurance: 15.00

Gas: 50

Childcare: 80 (ex pays most of daycare)

Therapy: 160

Prescription: 10

Diapers and Wipes: 50

Summer Savings: 300

Groceries: 300

Clothing: 30

Books/Toys: 30

Eating Out: 35

Extra: 18

When there’s an emergency, I work from the bottom of the list up to cut expenses. There have been many emergencies (I had to replace my laptop this year, for example).

I am very, very lucky that my parents pay my phone bill and my car insurance bill. Otherwise we would not be able to make things work.

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