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Grad Student Guilt

Southern California’s cost of living has always been higher than other parts of the country. However, in recent years, I have watched with alarm as rising housing costs have vastly outpaced graduate student stipends’ modest increases. Even with my partner’s income, our family cannot afford to live in Santa Barbara.

Even with my partner’s income, our family cannot afford to live in Santa Barbara.

A COLA increase will significantly benefit graduate students who cannot subsidize their income through marriage/financial partnership or external family support. I feel tremendous guilt that I have someone who can support our housing and grocery costs when I see so many individuals live hand to mouth, who work very hard and yet cannot afford to present their research (that reflects on UCSB) at professional conferences, who amass student-loan debt to make ends meet, and who live in constant stress about the next “crisis” in the form of a car repair or unexpected bill. All of these stressors detract from a shared objective: having the time and means to finish the degree within a reasonable time frame because your institution adequately supports you.

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